Time to Change the Story: You Can Improve Your Balance (Yes, Really!)
Sep 15, 2024
3 min read
This week after one of my classes, a new yogi came up to me to ask advice. “My balance is terrible,” she said. “It’s always been bad, and now after taking time off from practicing, it’s worse!” Oh yes, I’ve got plenty of tips, but before we dive into those, I told her, “First things first, you’ve got to stop telling yourself that story—the one where you’ve convinced yourself you have terrible balance.”
Let’s start with a new narrative. How about: “I’m working on improving my balance”? Doesn’t that sound a lot better? When we constantly tell ourselves that we’re bad at something, it becomes our reality, both on and off the mat. But when we frame it as something we’re actively working on, it shifts our mindset and opens the door for growth. It’s like giving yourself a fresh start to an old story.
The Power of a New Story
We all have stories we tell ourselves, whether it’s about balance, flexibility, or anything else in life. The problem is, when these stories are rooted in negativity or limitation, they’re hard to break. But here’s the good news: you can change that narrative. On the mat, it might be “I’ve never been flexible” or “I’ll never master this pose.” In life, it could be anything from “I’m not good at this” to “I’ll never be able to do that.”
Let’s rewrite these stories. The beauty of yoga is that it's a practice, not a perfect. Every time you step on the mat, you’re working on something, and with consistency, things do improve—balance included.
Ok, Here Are Those Balance Tips I Promised
So, now that we’ve kicked that old story to the curb, let’s get into the nitty-gritty. Balance doesn’t have to be your arch-nemesis. In fact, it can be something you look forward to improving. Here are a few tricks to help you out:
Navel to Spine, Lift Up: Pull your belly button in toward your spine and lift it toward your heart. This is called uddiyana bandha, or "center lock," and it helps stabilize you.
Engage the Pelvic Floor: Remember the muscles you use when you’re trying not to pee? Yep, those are the ones you want to engage. Lift them up.
Inner Thighs to the Rescue: Squeeze those inner thighs toward the midline, bringing your body into alignment.
Find Your Drishti: Pick a spot—a fixed point to gaze at—and focus on it. This helps anchor your balance.
Ground Your Standing Foot: Spread the weight evenly through all four corners of your standing foot. Feel the earth beneath you!
And listen, it’s totally okay to hold onto a chair or wall as you practice. Nobody’s judging you here!
Start Small, Build Confidence
Before you go all-in on complicated poses, start by just standing on one foot. Seriously, that’s it. Follow the tips above and see how it goes. As your balance improves, try holding the pose for a little longer each time. Your foot muscles might start to get tired, and that’s normal—those tiny stabilizers are hard at work!
From there, move on to more dynamic poses like low lunge, high lunge, and maybe even adding a twist while you’re at it. Don’t rush it—this is all about progress, not perfection.
Once you feel more confident, try out some classic balancing poses like Tree Pose, Warrior III, or Eagle Pose. It’s totally fine to keep your toes close to the ground at first. With time, you’ll naturally want to challenge yourself more as you build strength and confidence.
Your New Story: "I Can Balance, and I’m Just Getting Started!"
Here’s the thing: once you start experiencing little wins on the mat, like nailing a balancing pose you once thought was impossible, you’ll feel an incredible sense of pride. You’ve got a new story to tell. You thought you had terrible balance, but now you realize you just needed a few techniques and some practice.
And guess what? That same mindset shift can start spilling over into other parts of your life. Whether it’s a new challenge at work or a personal goal you’ve been putting off, changing the story you tell yourself makes all the difference.
Ready to Rewrite Your Balance Story?
I’ve got videos on YouTube designed to help you improve your balance (and a lot of other things!). So why not give it a try? Whether you’re a seasoned yogi or just starting out, there’s always room for growth.
Join me on the mat, and let’s work together on rewriting those stories. You’re not “bad at balance”—you’re simply on the journey to getting better at it. And the best part? You’re already taking the first step.
See you on YouTube, where the balance (and fun) awaits!