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Stop Waiting for "The Perfect Time" – Start Your Regular At-Home Yoga Practice Now! 🧘‍♀️✨

Jan 12

2 min read




Alright, I get it. Life is busy. Between work, errands, family, and the 78 things on your to-do list, carving out time for yourself seems about as realistic as finding a unicorn in your backyard. But hear me out—what if we could make your yoga practice a regular habit without needing a magical “perfect moment”?

Here’s a little secret: The perfect time to start yoga doesn’t exist. If you wait for everything to line up perfectly, well, you’ll probably be waiting forever. I mean, let’s be real, no one’s got a “perfect” schedule, not even the person who looks like they’ve got it all together on Instagram. (Spoiler alert: they're just as busy as you!)

I’ve been teaching group exercise for almost 30 years, and trust me, I’ve seen the trend: January brings in the crowds—everyone’s making those shiny, brand-new New Year’s resolutions. The gym’s packed, energy’s high, and then by February... poof... where did everyone go? The attendance drops, and we’re back to our cozy regulars. Why? Because life happens. The time and energy it takes to show up to a live class? It can feel like a mountain some weeks.

But here’s where the magic happens—at home, on your mat, on your schedule. No more fighting traffic, no more rushing. Just you, your mat, and a practice that will make you feel amazing—even if you only have 10 minutes.

🌟 Join me on Yoga with Sandra over on YouTube and let’s make this a habit, together. 🌟

Now, I know what you’re thinking. “But Sandra, I’m not flexible! I don’t have time! I’m dealing with a nagging injury!” Hey, I’ve heard it all before, and I’ve got your back.

Whether you’ve got 5 minutes or 30, whether you’re a seasoned yogi or someone who might touch their toes in a few months, we’ll start wherever you are.

Each video we do is short, sweet, and effective—because who has time for anything else, right? Plus, no pressure to show up at a specific time or place. You can press play when it works for you, whether it's bright and early or after you’ve wrangled the kids into bed.

Need a little extra nudge? Join our Yoga With Sandra Facebook Community where we cheer each other on, share our wins, and find accountability partners. The best part? You’re not alone on this journey, and sometimes, having that extra bit of encouragement is all we need to keep going.

10-Minute Yoga Graphic

If you’re ready to kickstart a daily practice, I’ve got just the thing: a 10-minute-a-day-for-10-days series to help you get into the groove of regular yoga. (Because who doesn’t love 10 minutes of stretching and good vibes?) You can check it out right here: Yoga With Sandra 10-Minute-a-Day Series. It's called "Morning Yoga" but you can do it anytime! Thank you digital world!

So, if you’re ready to make time for yourself (and trust me, you are worth it), let’s turn this into a habit that’ll actually stick. You deserve it. Let's do this—together.

P.S. No more waiting for “perfect.” You’ve got this. ✨

With love,


Jan 12

2 min read





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