Let Go of What is no Longer Serving You
Jul 27, 2024
2 min read
This week, I'm sharing with you what I've learned about Aparigraha, the practice of non-attachment. Choosing to NOT attach to the outcome of this practice is what helped me to finally achieve this elusive pose!
What is aparigraha?
Aparigraha is all about letting go of what doesn't serve us anymore, making room for growth and happiness. It's often translated as “non-greed,” “non-possessiveness,” and “non-attachment.” Breaking down the word: “graha” means to take or grab, “pari” means “on all sides,” and “a” negates it, so Aparigraha means not taking more than you need.
What is an example of aparigraha?
Let It Go. Possessions can take up space and energy in your mind and home. Try this: Every time you buy something new, let go of something old—give it away or toss it out. By releasing things from the past, you can live more fully in the present.
How I think about aparigraha when I'm practicing:
As a type A personality, I'm results-oriented and results-focused. However, that doesn't work for me in yoga. It leaves me frustrated at times, and self-critical at others. It's so EASY to compare yourself to others, to have limiting beliefs about your abilities.
But on the mat, I try to choose to let go of the outcome and enjoy the process. Sometimes that leads to the outcome I had hoped for, but chose NOT to attach to! That was the case in Thailand when I achieved Fallen Angel. I couldn't believe I did it. I felt amazing! But then I let it go and moved on to the next thing, staying present in the moment. It was an amazing experience that I remind myself of every practice and try to take that attitude off the mat into life- enjoying the experience without an attachment to an outcome.
I have a sweet Backyard flow to share (named simply because I did it in my mom's back yard, with nature sounds and planes flying overhead!). There are some Warriors and some lizards in that back yard too! Enjoy!
Would love to follow your backyard flow ♥️